Friday, June 19, 2009

End of the School Year

Wow! I can't believe the school year is over after today. It always goes so fast, and I never get to everything I planned. Each year I revamp my lessons and activities in order to create a better classroom environment. It will be sad to see this group of students leave; they've all become important people in my life. That is probably the best part of being a teacher; being able to create memories with so many different kids. I hope that some will remember me and come back to visit.
The other day one of my students from the past came back to say hello. She decided after her 8th grade graduation she wanted to stop by to say hi. I could not believe how much this student grew and matured. It was absolutely wonderful being able to see her again and wish her luck in the big leagues (high school). She told me she really enjoyed 5th grade and being in my class (things like this make teaching worthwhile).
I know I'll miss the kids, but summer will be a much needed rest. Also, I know next year I'll meet a whole new crop of students and create new memories.


  1. hi mr.j
    i miss our classroom and all the fun we had as a class. im a little excited about middle school but i think that i would get lost!!!!! im having an awesome time over the summer. swimming, friends, vacation, fishing. i also got a boat and have gone tubing!!!! YAY!!!!! i can't wait to visit you next year. write me back!!!!!!


    from peggy

    official stamp
    peggys the best

  2. awe mr.j that was so touching. i think 5th grade was my favorite tear so far and i think it will allways be. i m going 2 russia agust 4th i m so exicited to see my reletives. u should come check out my blog soon it has some cool facts i got of a magazine i thought u might like. i wish i was in 5th grade all over again. coment me if u read the useless info.

  3. Mr.J I miss you so much! hows ur summer? I cant wait to visit u next year<3
