Friday, February 20, 2009

Neat Websites

Ok, so I guess I really do waste my time sometimes. Last night I spent a majority of my time staring at my computer screen. I visited several websites that really stunk. But, a few I visited were pretty cool, but useless. So I thought I'd share them: (visit this site to see the #1 song on the day you were born) (visit this site for interesting info about the day you were born)

Hope you enjoy these websites!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Endless "Pastabilities"

The other night my wife and I went out for dinner to celebrate Valentine's Day. The food was delicious; the restaurant was an entire "Italian Village." We had a really good meal, and afterwards went to the marketplace.

I was not planning on spending more money, but then I saw "it." It was a pasta bowl; I've been searching for a nice deep pasta bowl with handles for a long time now. Finally, my search was over. The bowl was imported from Italy, has handles, is deep enough for pasta dishes, and has a very simple design of tomatoes on the bottom and outside of the bowl. I'm looking very forward to using it to serve future meals.

It's the small things in life that make me happy, like a pasta bowl. "The pastabilities are endless!"

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Empathy is Essential

I was just thinking this morning about bullies. Bullies are normally people with low self esteem. Unfortunately, bullying exists in multiple forms: physical, verbal, and today tech bullying. Tech bullying is when you talk badly about others via texting on a cellphone or instant messaging.

I am aware that bullying exists in my classroom this year. The unfortunate thing is that I do not hear it directly and there are only certain actions I can take. First and foremost I address the issue with my whole class or a specific group of students. Then as a class we brainstorm strategies to prevent bullying. Hopefully, then we'll put those strategies into practice. The ultimate goal is to continue to have a classroom community full of happy students and an environment that is conducive to education.

One thing I tell my students is to try to empathize with the student being bullied; in other words, "How would you feel if you were being bullied?" It is essential to empathize with the situation so that students will act appropriately.

Visit this site to learn more about bullying:

No one wants to be bullied. Therefore, "Treat others as you would like to be treated!"

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Neat Websites

Just recently I got back from my walk with Baci, and on the walk my mind was wandering. I was thinking about all of the great tech sites that I've visited just this past week. I thought I would share them with those of you that read my blog. Next to each I'll add a brief description. (you can share photos and videos) (you can create lists, share lists, set reminders, create a widget to add to your igoogle or blog) (this is just for fun-you create an eye chart saying anything that can be added to a website) (you can edit any picture and then save your new version and use it on docs or webpages) (create your own comic strip and put it on your blog or website)

These are just a few of the cool sites I've visited this week. I know, I know, it's like tech overstimulation. But, I suggest you at least visit one from my list.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tech Excitement

I'm very excited that my students really enjoy creating blogs. I have to tell you, this is the first time I've used them, and I think they are great. So far the feedback I've been receiving from my classes has been terrific and one of enthusiasm.

I think blogs are a great way to convey your thoughts and feelings via a digital platform. At first I was nervous using this technology, but as I become more comfortable, I plan on using it even more.

I remember back to when I was a kid and I heard about this thing called the "internet." Now computers and technology are so advanced that the "internet" has become the norm. I wonder what the future holds for tech and can't wait to discover all of the possibilities.