Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Tech Excitement

I'm very excited that my students really enjoy creating blogs. I have to tell you, this is the first time I've used them, and I think they are great. So far the feedback I've been receiving from my classes has been terrific and one of enthusiasm.

I think blogs are a great way to convey your thoughts and feelings via a digital platform. At first I was nervous using this technology, but as I become more comfortable, I plan on using it even more.

I remember back to when I was a kid and I heard about this thing called the "internet." Now computers and technology are so advanced that the "internet" has become the norm. I wonder what the future holds for tech and can't wait to discover all of the possibilities.

1 comment:

  1. its funnnnnnnnnn creating blogs and pimping them out

    ps. thye furture holdes vertual reality helmets that put you in the computer i think
