Saturday, February 14, 2009

Empathy is Essential

I was just thinking this morning about bullies. Bullies are normally people with low self esteem. Unfortunately, bullying exists in multiple forms: physical, verbal, and today tech bullying. Tech bullying is when you talk badly about others via texting on a cellphone or instant messaging.

I am aware that bullying exists in my classroom this year. The unfortunate thing is that I do not hear it directly and there are only certain actions I can take. First and foremost I address the issue with my whole class or a specific group of students. Then as a class we brainstorm strategies to prevent bullying. Hopefully, then we'll put those strategies into practice. The ultimate goal is to continue to have a classroom community full of happy students and an environment that is conducive to education.

One thing I tell my students is to try to empathize with the student being bullied; in other words, "How would you feel if you were being bullied?" It is essential to empathize with the situation so that students will act appropriately.

Visit this site to learn more about bullying:

No one wants to be bullied. Therefore, "Treat others as you would like to be treated!"


  1. wow Mr. J. I have no idea what the title of this blog means. U R so wierd.
    PS its Serina

  2. Serina, if you read my post closely and clearly the meaning of "empathy" is written directly in my post.

  3. Yaaaaaaa go mr.j you rule and i like what you wrote on the post and oh ya go meat
